DW Akademie Report 2023/24 now available

The latest DW Akademie Report offers insights into the organization's current projects with partners in around 70 countries, highlighting efforts to advance free speech and press freedom globally.

Mockup DW Akademie Report 2023/24 ENG
DW Akademie Report: Developing media. Strengthening human rights.Image: DW

The report highlights key initiatives DW Akademie has undertaken over the past year to support media freedom and freedom of expression. These include, among others, training local journalists in Ukraine's contested eastern and southern regions, supporting fact-checking initiatives in Burkina Faso, developing programs for at-risk media professionals in Eastern Europe, Asia and Central America, modernizing university journalism training in Uzbekistan, and collaborating with community radios in Latin America. 

Carsten von Nahmen, Managing Director DW Akademie: "In the super election year of 2024, it has become evident that disinformation is massively interfering with democratic processes worldwide. Independent media play a vital role in countering autocratic tendencies, exposing injustices and strengthening transparency and good governance." 

The DW Akademie Report 2023/24 is available in German and English, both in print and online (downloadable below). To request a print copy, please email [email protected]

About DW Akademie

DW Akademie is DW's center for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Its projects strengthen the human right to freedom of expression and unhindered access to information, empowering people worldwide to make independent decisions based on reliable facts and constructive dialogue. A strategic partner of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), DW Akademie also receives funding from the German Federal Foreign Office and the European Union, working in around 70 developing countries and emerging economies.
