Sustainability Report: Climate protection, social diversity

Since 2019, DW has cut CO2 emissions by 60 percent and strategically aligned its sustainability management. DW's environmental and social initiatives are detailed in its third sustainability report.

DW Sustainability Report 2022
Image: DW

According to the latest sustainability report, DW’s greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 60 percent compared to 2019. This was partly due to the coronavirus pandemic, which accelerated digitalization, such as online conferencing and changed travel patterns. DW has taken several measures to significantly reduce its energy consumption. It has also introduced new rules for business travel and procurement processes. Domestic flights were reduced by 91 percent, exceeding the target of 80 percent. As a result, DW has refined its 2030 reduction objective and is now aiming to permanently halve its emissions by that time. 

Barbara Massing, DW Managing Director Business Administration: "Sustainability is not a trend, but a necessity. At DW we set the course for this early on. We are committed to the ecological, economic and social aspects for reasons of credibility, but also to set DW up for the future." 

Social sustainability

DW’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) office has raised awareness of diversity and equal opportunities through training, projects and events. This is also reflected at management level: women now make up 55 percent of senior management. 

In a new integration agreement, DW has committed to employing eight percent of people with disabilities, exceeding the legal minimum of 5 percent. In 2022, DW received the Berlin Inclusion Prize for its "Inclusive Vocational Training". In 2023, DW achieved the highest score in the Uhlala Group's PRIDE Index for LGBTQI+ equality in the workplace and was awarded the Gold Seal. 

Sustainability as a corporate goal

The Sustainability Management department has strategically established sustainability practices at DW, embedding them into the company's objectives. Experts from different departments collaborate with ARD regional broadcasters in competence teams to leverage synergies in energy management, mobility, green production, green IT, event management, diversity, and inclusion. 

As part of the ARD Media Group, DW plays an active role in an ARD-wide dialogue, including the Competence Team Sustainable Media Production, on more sustainable production and distribution methods, operations and event management, and green IT. Beyond its TV business, DW aims to implement "green motion" standards for sustainable production methods in Global South productions whenever feasible. 

Learn more about Sustainability Management at DW.
