Information about DW: Easy Read

Learn more about DW here.

DW logo with the claim "Made for minds" on a light blue background.

Who we are

We are called Deutsche Welle or DW.

We are a German news organisation.

DW started on May 3, 1953 in Germany.

Our headquarters are in Bonn and Berlin.

What we do

We make news and information in 32 languages.

We get money from the German government to run DW.

But the law says the government cannot tell us what news to report.

Or how to report it.

Our work around the world

Around the world we have 4,000 staff working in 18 offices.

We share our news on

  • websites

  • social media

  • television

  • and radio.

Our online news gets to millions of people around the world every week.

We make sure that people get the news that is important to them.

Even in places where news from other countries might not be allowed.

Like Russia, Turkey, and Iran.

In our news we cover lots of topics like

Human rights

  • Human rights are basic rights that protect everyone in the world. Like freedom of speech.

  • Human rights are things like
    • the right to be free
    • the right to work
    • the right to education.


  • Democracy is a way of running a country where people can choose how their government runs the country.

  • This is done by voting in free and fair elections

Freedom of speech

  • This is when people can say what they think without the government or the police stopping them.

  • In some countries people can go to prison if the people in power do not like what they say.

Freedom of the press

  • This is when journalists can report the news without the government trying to stop them.

  • A journalist is someone who reports news stories.

Our news is for anyone.

But we make news and information for

  • Young people aged between 14 and 40.

  • Experts. These are people who know a lot about something.

  • People who come together in their community to share new ideas.

Diversity and inclusion at DW

Treating people equally

We believe that every person is equal and important.

This means that no one should be treated badly because of

  • the color of their skin

  • their religion

  • their gender

  • the language they speak.