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Libyan situation

Should a no-fly zone be created? Or should the international community render aid? Or simply look the other way? Our readers wrote in with their opinions.

Anti-Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi protester, holds up bullets during a protest after Friday prayer at the court square, in Benghazi, eastern Libya, Friday March 4, 2011
Fighting has escalated between rebels and Libyan forcesImage: AP

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Gadhafi warns of 'bloody war' in Libya as fighting continues

I sure hope the US doesn't become involved in Libya. But, being that they are ruled by a dictator and there are numerous human rights violations, I wouldn't be surprised if we do. The whole Middle East is a boiling cauldron. I think they should sort out their own problems, but can't, and too many people are already suffering as a result. -- Eddie, US

The West can't say no if Libyans call for a no-fly zone

I don't think a "no-fly zone" would be a good idea. Outside support to the opposition, such as supplies, advance warning systems and military weapons with training would be the best approach. Any invasion of the country by military force would be criticized by many, including some people in Libya. -- Garry, Canada

Libyan no-fly zone plans gather momentum

It will be total madness if the world chooses to attack Libya. How could the West choose to attack only one faction? Libya is a sovereign country and should be left to deal with its internal affairs. -- Harruna, Ghana

Libyan rebels face new attacks by Gadhafi forces

When people realize their democratic rights, nothing can stop them - not even bullets. Following the dramatic removal of both the Tunisian and Egyptian dictators, Gadhafi will be fried in the same pan, as the working and poor masses seek to remove repressive regimes out and forever. -- Mutua, Kenya

Analysts remain skeptical about plans for a no-fly zone

No, this strategy did not work well in Iraq and Libya is a much larger country. Also, Gadhafi might use this to his own advantage, by blaming the West, and the US in particular, for making war against the Libyan people thereby gaining a propaganda victory. -- G., Canada

Germany advocates tougher Libya sanctions amid escalating violence

It's interesting that as long as a dictator does what the mighty dictator demands, it's okay, but as soon as they get older, less adaptable, no longer needed, out they go, and others jump on the bandwagon, like with Iraq, Egypt and now Libya. Out with the old, in with the new. It's all for the greed of oil. -- Marta, US

First, I would like to congratulate world leaders for their great concern for Libya and other African countries. These leaders are working hard to make sure the situation in Libya gets back to normal and the suffering of Libyans stops. I am asking them to take actions and impose tougher sanctions to Moammar Gadhafi to rescue the lives of innocent people in Libya. I am afraid more delay will cost more lives. I also condemn the silence of African leaders, to them it's like there is nothing happening. They have been all quiet. Their silence proves to the world that most African rulers got to power through non-democratic and unfair elections. I call upon African leaders to wake up, open their eyes and face reality, otherwise, what is in Libya will soon happen in their countries. It has happened in Tunisia and Egypt, now we see it in Libya. They have to change. -- Emmanuel, Tanzania

What gives Germany the right to advocate anything? What Germany are you talking about? Germany is still an occupied country! Just because Germany likes foreign occupation (65 years is not enough?) it thinks that other nations love that too? -- Judutarrak, US

It is becoming more and more imperative for Germany to refrain from giving advice in international matters, such as North Africa and others. Germany's forte is education, innovation and quality of production, as well as basic research from the deep oceans to outer space through all related sciences. Germany must understand that almost all problems popping up now are the consequence of colonialism, slavery and globalization, meaning exploitation through whatever means with the intention for future democracies under a military umbrella. -- HRF, Antigua and Barbuda

Compiled by Stuart Tiffen
Editor: Michael Lawton