Adrian Beholz's fact sheet
September 20, 2015
What is your name?
Adrian Beholz
Where and when were you born?
On January 4, 1990, in Engen
What is your current place of residence?
Kiel and Gaienhofen-am-Bodensee
What is currently on your mind? Please reply by sending a tweet. Send us a tweet about your life (140 characters).
The wind and the waves, home and travels, friends and family
What are you proud of?
Of being able to do whatever I want
What are you ashamed of?
Tell us about an image that will never be erased from your memory.
Wow, how I can I pick just one out of all the good and bad images that have managed to leave an imprint on my mind forever?
If you could choose one person to meet, dead or still alive, who would this be?
The Pope
What would have happened if the Berlin Wall had never come down?
Then I wouldn't be able to brave the waves in eastern Germany.
Which song is currently at the very top of your playlist?
"Buffalo Soldier"