France Backs Kerry for White House
October 28, 2004Advertisement
France would vote for the Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry by an overwhelming margin of 71 – 11 percent, according to a poll published Thursday. The poll, produced by the Louis Harris Institute and published by Le Figaro, shows support for Kerry across all ages, political persuasions and social classes. And the survey also shows a hostile opinion of US President George Bush. Over four in five voters (82 percent) believe that Bush has made the World more dangerous. Exactly three quarters of those asked said that a Kerry win would be "good for Europe" and slightly more said it would benefit France. François Miquet-Marty, from the Louis Harris Institute told Le Figaro: "French ‘Kerryism’ stems primarily from opposition to George Bush and the American intervention in Iraq, which is still condemned by the French people." The actual presidential election -- to be held on Nov. 2 -- will be much closer, with polls showing the two candidates running neck and neck. (