Roger Ditter
January 31, 2019He‘s been spending “way too much” time figuring out technical gadgets ever since. The passionate smartphone filmmaker is fascinated by robots as well as by the positive changes that come with big data. Even though gaming doesn‘t fit into his schedule very often, Roger Ditter believes that computer games are the narrative medium of the future.
Born in:
the small Franconian town of Karlstadt in Bavaria
German, English, French
Modern German Literature, English and American Studies, acting school diploma
Favorite quote:
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clark
Personal hero:
Tim Berners-Lee
7 facts about me:
1. I’m a summer person
2. I’m a winter person too – as long as there’s snow
3. I write and produce pop songs
4. Cereal makes my day
5. I’m a Netflix junkie.
6. I spend far too much time on my smartphone
7. I don’t have to work out – my dog keeps me busy enough