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Supporters of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) gather during a protest at Freedom Park in Phnom Penh September 16, 2013. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen met opposition leader Sam Rainsy for talks and officials said they had agreed to look at how future general elections are held but the long-serving premier refused to give in to demands for an independent inquiry into the July 28 poll. The protest was staged a day after police used force to scatter protesters challenging a disputed election win by Hun Sen, sparking clashes in which one man was shot dead.REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha (CAMBODIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
圖片來源: Reuters


為抗議引起爭議的大選結果,柬埔寨反對派拒絕出席新議會組成會議。據柬埔寨媒體周一(9月23日)網上報導,桑蘭西(Sam Rainsy)領導的反對派聯盟—拯救國家黨(CNRP)決定抵制新議會,理由是,此次選舉中存在大量舞弊現象。根據官方提供的計票結果,現首相洪森領導的人民黨在今年7月底舉行的大選中獲得下屆議會總共123個議席中的68席,拯救國家黨獲55個議席。反對派不承認選舉結果,要求當局同意由獨立方面重新計票和調查,並且不排除重新大選的可能性。當局迄今拒絕反對派的要求。洪森定於周二在新議會宣誓連任。以鐵腕手段執政的洪森在位近30年。大選前,他表示,願至少再領導政府10年。