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溫州高利貸系統崩盤只是全國民間借貸市場這一金融灰色地帶危機的一個縮影 。有專家認為,若無嚴格監管,有可能釀成中國式信貸危機。

A bank teller counts renminbi bank notes in Shenyang, northeast China 13 January 2010. The Chinese central bank, BOC (Peoples Bank of China) raised the deposit reserve requirement for 0.5 percentage points to be effective 18 January. This move is seen as a bid to tighten money supply after four times lowering rates since June 2008 in order to stimulate the economy. The move led to a 2.11 percentage drop in the benchmark Shanghai Composite stock index. EPA/MARK
中國影子銀行危險增加圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

(德國之聲中文網)在中國,灰色金融市場蓬勃發展。 2012年,不受監管的貸款高達二兆欧元。銀行家們警告信貸泡沫和高利貸等高風險金融產品可能崩潰 -就如同2008年美國發生的金融危機。

溫家寶在北京召開的全國人大會議上發表的政府報告中,指出 "金融領域有潛在的風險"。專家們認為,溫家寶的此番講話對中國金融領域存在的危機顯然只是輕描淡寫。一家國際康采恩的代表警告說,"目前一顆定時炸彈的時針正在走動","情況將不會出現轉機。"



An employee counts Chinese 100 yuan banknotes at a branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Huaibei, Anhui province, July 6, 2012. China's central bank cut interest rates for the second time in a matter of weeks on Thursday, stepping up efforts to bolster an economy that last quarter probably suffered its weakest growth since the global financial crisis. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA - Tags: BUSINESS POLITICS) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA
中國非正規貸款存在危險圖片來源: Reuters

中國的影子銀行領域包括蓬勃發展的信託基金,不可靠的資產管理,地方政府的融資(地方政府融資平台)和地下錢莊等。據瑞士信用集團(Crédit Suisse )估計,去年,中國的大小非正規貸款總額高達22,8兆元,約合2,8兆欧元,佔中國經濟總量的44%,佔所有未償還貸款的四分之一以及去年新發放貸款的50%。


中國銀行的負責人肖鋼說,這種理財產品通過投資和貸款來獲得保障。 "但幾乎沒有人知道,誰能夠保障什麼",與美國所發生的金融危機一樣,其風險無法看透。中國銀行負責人肖鋼很早以前就談到"龐氏騙局" ,稱這樣一條傳銷式的高利貸金字塔集資鏈很容易斷裂。 "中國日報"援引肖鋼的話說"在一定的條件下,投資者一旦失去信心並減少他們的購買或退出理財產品,這樣的擊鼓傳花便會停止。 "


A Chinese man walks past a branch of Bank of China (BOC) in Fuzhou city, southeast Chinas Fujian province, July 11, 2008.Two major Chinese banks, Industrial Bank of China (ICBC) and Bank of China (BOC) that own US$8 billion in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities said they welcomed the US governments decision to help the troubled mortgage lenders. BOC said last month it owned US$7.5 billion in Fannie and Freddie bonds after cutting its holdings by about 25%. The bank also held US$5.2 billion in mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by the two agencies. ICBC said in late August it owned US$465 million in Fannie and Freddie debt, plus US$2.2 billion in mortgage-backed securities issued by the two companies. It said that was just 0.20% of its total holdings. Both state-owned banks declined to say whether they expect to lose money on their securities. +++(c) dpa - Report+++
中國銀行擔心引發信貸危機圖片來源: picture-alliance/ dpa


瑞士信貸集團(Credit Suisse)認為,較高的利率可能會導致投資和資產管理市場上資本流動枯竭並引發破產。如果正規的銀行提供援助,有可能導致貸款短缺的後果。信貸緊縮會給過熱的房地產市場和地方債券帶來災難性的影響, "不良貸款將大幅上升。"

2012年,浙江省溫州市地下銀行系統的危機已經敲響警鐘。在中國經濟蓬勃發展的地區,許多民營企業都依賴非正式信貸市場 - 既由不透明的企業,投資者,非法放債人或高利貸發放者組成的信貸系統。當時,由於出口增速下滑,信貸市場的泡沫破滅,因此,政府不得不求助於大銀行救援。

消息來源:德通社 編譯:李京慧
