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REFILE - UPDATING CAPTION WITH IDENTITY OF PERSON BEING ESCORTED Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (2nd R) is escorted out of his home by Los Angeles County Sheriff's officers in Cerritos, California September 15, 2012. Nakoula, a California man convicted of bank fraud has been escorted to an interview with federal officers probing possible probation violations stemming from the making of an anti-Islam video that has triggered violent protests in the Muslim world, police said on Saturday. A Los Angeles County Sheriff's spokesman said Nakoula voluntarily left his home, accompanied by sheriff's deputies, to meet with the officers in the Cerritos Sheriff's Station. The obscure 13-minute English-language video, which was filmed in California and circulated on the Internet under several titles including "Innocence of Muslims," portrays Prophet Mohammad engaged in crude and offensive behavior. REUTERS/Bret Hartman (UNITED STATES - Tags: RELIGION CRIME LAW POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters

綜合通訊社消息,因違反多項假釋條例規定,拍攝侮辱伊斯蘭教先知影片的導演目前被逮捕。美國加州聯邦法院的一名女法官對55歲的導演納庫拉(Basseley Nakoula)做出入獄的裁決。此外,法官席格爾(Suzanne Segal)還透露,納庫拉有潛逃的可能。早在2010年,納庫拉就因偽造身份從銀行騙取巨額資金被判21個月的監禁,但1年之後他獲得假釋。據稱,納庫拉此次被捕受審是因違反了假釋期間不得使用計算機和網路的規定。此前,納庫拉製作拍攝的電影《穆斯林的無知》在伊斯蘭世界多個國家引發抗議。