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epa03415732 A member of the election commission prepares voting booths at a polling station in the village of Sartichala, some 30 kilometers from Tbilisi, Georgia, 30 September 2012. Parliamentary election will be held in Georgia on 01 October 2012. The vote will usher in a major constitutional change, as the prime minister, rather than the president, will hold the most political power from the October 2013 presidential elections onwards. EPA/ZURAB KURTSIKIDZE +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: dapd


南高加索喬治亞共和國今天(10月1日)舉行下屆議會選舉。360萬選民投票決定新議會150個議席的歸屬。這個黑海沿岸國家數天來因監獄酷刑醜聞受到震動。現總統薩卡什維利在投票時表示,選舉結果將決定國家的未來。億萬富翁、反對派領導人伊萬尼什維利(Bidsina Iwanischwili)試圖打破薩卡什維利的權力壟斷地位。朝野雙方均強調,將遵循親西方路線,致力於喬治亞加入北約和歐盟。並均表現出取勝信心。非政府組織指控當局在投票前夕對反對派人士施壓,並予以逮捕。觀察家不排除在投票當天發生騷亂的可能性。