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A mobile phone simulating a call to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and computer with a series of numbers is seen in this multiple exposure picture illustration taken in Frankfurt October 28, 2013. A German newspaper said on Sunday that U.S. President Barack Obama knew his intelligence service was eavesdropping on Angela Merkel as long ago as 2010, contradicting reports that he had told the German leader he did not know. Germany received information this week that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) had bugged Merkel's mobile phone, prompting Berlin to summon the U.S. ambassador, a move unprecedented in post-war relations between the close allies. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS TELECOMS)
圖片來源: Reuters


據德國《明鏡》周刊線上周一(11月4日)報導,在歐洲人對美國國家安全局對盟友可能實施大規模間諜活動的憤怒增加的背景下,美國國會多名重量級議員計劃訪問歐盟多國,以緩和爭議。德國是訪問對象之一。美國會參院歐洲委員會主席默菲(Chris Murphy)對《明鏡線上》表示,歐洲盟友們表達了對美方某些監控計劃的「有理由的憂慮」,國會兩院的一個議員小組將啟動歐盟之行,同歐盟方面討論如何將對非美國公民的監控減少至盡可能小的程度。默菲議員承認,若干監控計劃在美國本土和在歐洲的實施中並非總具有應有的「節制」。不過,他強調,歐洲方面也應向自己的公民說明,實施間諜計劃的並非美國一家。默菲議員沒有說明國會議員訪歐小組的人員組成、時間表及訪問國對象。一般認為,德國是該議員小組的必到國,法國、西班牙以及布魯塞爾歐盟總部也會是訪問對象。