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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks to the media after a meeting of the foreign ministers representing the permanent five member countries of the United Nations Security Council, including Germany, at the U.N. Headquarters in New York September 26, 2013. U.S. and Iranian officials emerged upbeat on Thursday from a meeting on Iran's nuclear program but both sides also sounded a cautionary note, with the United States saying there was more work to do and Iran insisting on quick sanctions relief. REUTERS/Eric Thayer (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters


美國和俄羅斯關於聯合國安理會涉敘決議草案的談判獲突破性進展。出席本屆聯大全體會議的兩國外長克裡和拉夫羅夫當地時間周四(9月26日)在紐約宣佈,就涉敘決議草案達成一致。聯邦德國外長韋斯特韋勒對此表示歡迎。安理會15個成員國的代表當晚即舉行緊急會議,磋商決議草案。在總部位於荷蘭海牙的國際禁止化學武器組織對美俄兩國關於銷毀敘利亞化武的計劃表示同意後,安理會可能今晚就表決決議草案。美國駐聯合國大使鮑威爾(Samantha Power)稱,隨著美俄達成共識,安理會有望首次通過共同行動對敘當局規定具有法律效應的責任。據法新社獲得的訊息,根據決議草案的措辭,安理會不排除在大馬士革當局違反銷毀化武責任的情況下按照聯合國憲章第7章精神對之實施制裁的可能性,為此,安理會將必須制定和通過另外一份決議。