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Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, left, and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg cross paths as Cameron walks away after speaking and Clegg walks up to take his turn to speak to an audience of Olympic site apprentices and business leaders inside the handball arena at the 2012 London Olympic Park in London, Thursday, May 12, 2011. Cameron and Clegg visited the handball arena to mark it's completion as a venue today, with yesterday marking the one year anniversary of their parties first coming to power in a coalition government. (Foto:Matt Dunham-Pool/AP/dapd)
England - David Cameron und Nick Clegg圖片來源: dapd

(德國之聲中文網)英國《星期日泰晤士報》文章說,英國首相卡梅倫和財長喬治‧奧斯本(George Osborne)認為應避免讓英中關係變得更為緊張,因為敵對狀態升級有損兩國貿易。而英國外長黑格(William Hague)則認為,英國不能降低批評中國人權狀況的聲調。副首相剋萊格也支持黑格的觀點,認為在藏人處境等問題上,英國必須堅持原則。


去年5月,卡梅倫和克萊格在倫敦會見西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛,引發中方強烈抗議。在之後9個月裡,倫敦和北京的關係一直處於冷卻狀態。《星期日泰晤士報》援引一名英國外交部人士的話說,北京在卡梅倫會見達賴喇嘛之後的行為"相當幼稚",他們頻繁派外交官去愛丁堡和都柏林,而不去倫敦,以示冷落,給到訪的蘇格蘭首席大臣薩爾蒙德(Alex Salmond)鋪上紅地毯,反襯出對倫敦官員的冷遇。

11Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, left, and British Prime Minister David Cameron shake hands at the Foreign Office in central London, Monday, June 27, 2011. Britain and China discussed differences over human rights and their approach to repression in Syria on Monday, but planned to seal trade deals worth 1 billion pounds (US$1.6 billion). (Foto:Carl Court, pool/AP/dapd)
2011年中英領導人的親密亮相已成為過去圖片來源: dapd




British Foreign Minister William Hague speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting of EU foreign ministers at the EU Council building in Luxembourg on Monday, April 23, 2012. EU foreign ministers meet Monday to discuss Burma and Syria. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
英國外長黑格(William Hague)圖片來源: dapd


來源:法新社  編譯:樂然
