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Supporter of Greece's radical left SYRIZA party watch the exit polls in the main SYRIZA campaign center in central Athens June 17, 2012. A joint exit poll by five pollsters, published as voting closed on Sunday, showed New Democracy taking between 27.5 percent and 30.5 percent of the vote. SYRIZA was essentially level with 27-30 percent, followed by the PASOK Socialists taking 10-12 percent of the vote. REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis (GREECE - Tags: ELECTIONS POLITICS)
epa03257613 French President Francois Hollande enters a voting booth before casting his ballot for the first round of French legislative elections at a polling station in Tulle, France 10 June 2012. Reports state that voting for the lower house starts on 10 June 2012 with a first round, followed by run-offs a in seven days time. EPA/GUILLAUME HORCAJUELO
epa03257690 A local Nice resident casts her ballot paper at a polling station in the southern French city during the first round of the French Parliamentary elections in 10 June 2012. The elections are expected to determine the extent and pace of reform under new President Francois Hollande. EPA/SEBASTIEN NOGIER
The Greek Parliament is seen in Athens, Monday, May 7, 2012. Bailout-reliant Greece faces weeks of financial turmoil after voters angry at crippling income cuts punished mainstream politicians, let a far-right extremist group into Parliament and gave no party enough votes to govern alone. (Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis/AP/dapd)
epa03257613 French President Francois Hollande enters a voting booth before casting his ballot for the first round of French legislative elections at a polling station in Tulle, France 10 June 2012. Reports state that voting for the lower house starts on 10 June 2012 with a first round, followed by run-offs a in seven days time. EPA/GUILLAUME HORCAJUELO
ARCHIV - Nur wenige Abgeordnete sind bei der Parlamentsdebatte über das Burka-Verbot in der Nationalversammlung in Paris anwesend (Archivfoto vom 06.07.2010). Nach der Wahl ist vor der Wahl: Rund einen Monat nach der Bestimmung von Frankreichs neuem Präsidenten wird die Nationalversammlung neu gewählt. Die Linke will dabei ihre Erfolgsspur weiter ausbauen, Le Pen hofft auf Mandate und die Piratenpartei auf Achtungserfolge. Foto: EPA/YOAN VALAT dpa (zu dpa "Piraten, Royal, Le Pen: Franzosen bestimmen neue Nationalversammlung" vom 08.06.2012) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
A man casts his ballot at a polling station in the second round of the 2012 French presidential election in Strasbourg, May 6, 2012. Voting started in mainland France on Sunday in the runoff presidential elections. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
Das Gebäude der Duma in Moskau, aufgenommen am 14.10.2004.
Russian police detain protesters outside the parliament building in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, June 5, 2012. At least two dozen people have been detained outside Russian Parliament in Moscow as they were protesting against a bill on public rallies. The Kremlin-controlled Russian parliament is expected to pass a legislation on Tuesday that would raise fines 200-fold for taking part in unsanctioned rallies. Opposition leaders say that the law would also exacerbate tensions in the Russian society and leave the public with no free leeway of expressing their discontent. (Foto:Misha Japaridze/AP/dapd)
Symmbolbild zu Paris, Eiffelturm. Bild: Fotolia/Ralf Gosch #22031787
General views of the European parliament in Strasbourg, north eastern France on april 23rd 2009. Foto: PHOTOPQR/L?EST REPUBLICAIN/Alexandre MARCHI +++(c) dpa - Report+++ Verwendung nur in Deutschland, Österreich und den Niederlanden, usage in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands only
ARCHIV - Eine Mitarbeiterin der Deutschen Stiftung für Organtransplantation in Neu-Isenburg (Kreis Offenbach) hält in einem Büro der Organisation eine spezielle Kühlbox für Spenderorgane vor das Bild eines Chirurgen (Archivbild vom 18.02.2005). In Deutschland warten derzeit mehr als 12 500 registrierte Patienten auf ein Spenderorgan. Viele verlieren jedoch den Wettlauf mit der Zeit. Täglich sterben im Durchschnitt drei Menschen vor der lebensrettenden Transplantation. Auf eine Million Einwohner kommen hierzulande nur knapp 15 Spender. Damit liegt Deutschland international im unteren Drittel. Die Entnahme von Organen ist von Staat zu Staat unterschiedlich geregelt. Foto: Frank May dpa (zu dpa-Hintergrund vom 26.09.2011) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Greek lawmakers attend a parliament session in Athens, February 28, 2012. Greek ministers agreed deep cuts to the minimum wage on Tuesday, slashing living standards for low-paid workers as Athens began implementing measures demanded by international lenders in return for a 130 billion euro rescue package. REUTERS/John Kolesidis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS) // Eingestellt von wa
The Greek Parliament is seen in Athens, Monday, May 7, 2012. Bailout-reliant Greece faces weeks of financial turmoil after voters angry at crippling income cuts punished mainstream politicians, let a far-right extremist group into Parliament and gave no party enough votes to govern alone. (Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis/AP/dapd)
A handout photo from the U.S. Embassy Beijing Press office shows blind activist Chen Guangcheng (C) speaking into a phone in Beijing, May 2, 2012. Picture taken May 2, 2012. REUTERS/US Embassy Beijing Press Office/Handout (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS // Eingestellt von wa
Nordrhein-Westfalen/ Anhaenger der Piratenpartei jubeln am Samstag (13.05.12) in Duesseldorf auf der Wahlparty der Piraten nach Bekanntgabe der ersten Prognose zur Landtagswahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Laut der ersten Hochrechnungen von ARD und ZDF ziehen die Piraten mit ueber sieben Prozent der Stimmen bei den Landtagswahlen in NRW in den Landtag ein. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Patrick Sinkel/dapd
Foto vom 7.5.2012: NRW-Ministerpräsidentin und SPD-Spitzenkandidatin Hannelore Kraft im Wahlkampf, hier in Dülmen im Norden von Nordrhein-Westfalen mit dem örtlichen SPD-Kandidaten André Stinka Foto: DW/Andrea Grunau
Algeria's president Abdelaziz Bouteflika casts his ballot during parliamentary elections at a polling station in Agiers May 10, 2012. Algerians voted on Thursday for a new parliament that officials say will bring democracy to a country left behind by the "Arab Spring" revolts, but many people showed their scepticism by abstaining. REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra (ALGERIA - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
Nicolas Sarkozy, France's incumbent president, leaves the stage after his speech on stage before UMP party supporters after his defeat for re-election in the second round vote of the 2012 French presidential elections at the Mutualite meeting hall in Paris May 6, 2012. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS ELECTION)
Members of Coalition of the Radical Left party (SYRIZA) react at an election kiosk of their party in Athens, Sunday, May 6, 2012. Greeks are voting today in elections critical to getting international bailout support as angry voters appear more than ready to punish both major parties for the country's decimated economy. (Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis/AP/dapd)
epa03203966 Syrians walk past electoral banners and posters for the coming parliamentary elections at a street in Damascus, Syria, 02 May 2012. Syrian Parliamentary elections are scheduled for 07 May 2012. EPA/YOUSSEF BADAWI
Titel: Wahlkampagne Serbien Beschreibung: Billboards und Plakate in Belgrad (Serbien) vor Wahlen am 6. Mai. Fotos: DW Korrespodent Ivica Petrovic. Datum: 22. April 2012
epa03157247 A general view shows Egyptian lawmakers meeting before electing members of constituent assembly tasked with drafting the new constitution, in Cairo, Egypt, 24 March 2012. Media reports stated that a joint parliament session convened on 24 March to elect the 100-member committee that will draft Egypt's post-revolution constitution. The committee will be made up of 50 members from the parliament, while the remaining 50 will be legal experts, academics, intellectuals, unions' members and religious scholars. EPA/STRINGER +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Frau, die eine Kreditkarte mit dem Eurosymbol zeigt. Symbolbild Blue Card Europa Konkurrenz zur Greencard der USA. picture-alliance/chromorange
Berlin/ Ein Bild von Sueleyman Taskoeprue, der im Juni 2001 ermordet wurde, liegt am Samstag (26.11.11) vor dem Brandenburger Tor in Berlin waehrend eines sogenannten Silentmobs, einer aus Anlass der Enthuellungen um die Zwickauer Terrorzelle per Facebook organisierten Veranstaltung stillen Protestes, neben Rosen auf dem Boden. Die Aktion stand unter dem Motto "Schweigen gegen das Schweigen". Foto: Adam Berry/dapd // Eingestellt von wa
Malian junta soldiers patrol in Kati, outside Bamako April 3 ,2012. REUTERS/Luc Gnago (MALI - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS)