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GettyImages 108145898 Armed police guard outside the venue of the current 11th national congress of Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) in Hanoi on January 17, 2011. Vietnam's ruling communists met on January 17 to choose a new batch of leaders who are expected to oversee a drive to modernise the economy while refusing to abandon the country's authoritarian political system. AFP PHOTO / HOANG DINH Nam (Photo credit should read HOANG DINH NAM/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images


22名越南民主活動人士顛覆政權案今天(1月28日)開庭。這是該國多年來最大規模的同類審判案之一。富安省(Phu Yen)法院一名官員證實,被告今天出庭,庭審預定進行5天。據官方媒體報導,被告受到的指控是,製造歪曲黨的綱領的文件,試圖造成民眾對政府的不信任。觀察家指出,近期以來,越南當局加強了對異議人士的迫害。數周前,另外14名活動人士被判處最高13年監禁。