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Thousands of North Koreans turn colored cards to form the symbol for the atom as gymnasts perform on the field below during a "mass games" performance at a stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea Friday, Sept. 19, 2008. The section of the performance highlighted various forms of technology and science. North Korea has confirmed that it is making "thorough preparations" to restart its Yongbyon nuclear facility because the United States has failed to follow through with promised incentives. (ddp images/AP Photo/David Guttenfelder) Nordkorea stimmt Atom-Moratorium und UN-Inspektionen zu
Nordkorea Atomprogramm Atomkraft Symbolbild图像来源: AP


美国国务院对谷歌公司总裁施密特(Eric Schmidt)访问朝鲜的计划予以批评。一位发言人表示,如今不是一个特别有利的时机。据悉,施密特已经知晓政府方面的反对态度。按照计划,这位谷歌的执行董事长将与美国新墨西哥州前州长里查森(Bill Richardson)同行前往朝鲜,据美国有线电视新闻网报道,这是一次"私人的人道主义使命"。两人此行的主要目标是促成一名被朝鲜逮捕的美国公民获释。美国前总统比尔·克林顿和吉米·卡特都曾经对这个封闭孤立的共产主义国家进行过类似的访问。不久前,因为朝鲜试射导弹,美国政府刚刚对平壤进行了强烈的抨击。