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Südsudans Präsident Salva Kiir Mayardit
Konflikt im Südsudan Regierungssoldat 30.12.2013
AU-Sondergipfel Abuja Gruppenbild
Südsudan UNAMIS Soldaten 23.12.2013
Öl Raffinerie in Juba, Sudan
Südsudan Bewaffneter Hirte 23.12.2013
Flüchtlingen sudan
Südsudan Riek Machar Vize-Präsident
Klimakonferenz Warschau 21.11.2013 Ban Ki Moon
Südsudan Militär Soldaten ARCHIVBILD 2012
Hilfe aus der Luft Haiyan Philippinen Flughafen Hilfslieferungen Flugzeuge
Südsudan Juba Ausschreitungen Flüchtlinge UN 16.12.2013
Südsudan Süd Sudan Flüchtlinge Unruhen Juba
Der amtierende Bundesverteidigungsminister Thomas de Maiziere (CDU, M.) stimmt am 28.11.2013 in Berlin während der Sitzung des Bundestages zum Bundeswehreinsatz im Südsudan (UNMISS) ab. Foto: Soeren Stache/dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Sudanese anti-government protesters chant slogans after the Friday noon prayer in the Omdurman district of northern Khartoum, Sudan, Friday, Sept. 27, 2013. Security forces opened fire on Sudanese protesters Friday, witnesses said, as thousands marched through the streets of the capital in an opposition push to turn a wave of popular anger over fuel price hikes into an outright uprising against the 24-year rule of President Omar al-Bashir. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
--- DW-Grafik: Peter Steinmetz
South Sudanese MPs stand during a parliamentary session in Juba on August 31, 2011 where the ruling party used its huge majority to approve a new cabinet over opposition objections that the number of ministers was beyond the means of the world's newest nation. AFP PHOTO/STR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
Dinka men covered in mud and cow dung perform a traditional dance at celebrations for South Sudan's second anniversary of independence in Juba, South Sudan, Tuesday, July 9, 2013. After decades of civil war with Sudan, South Sudan became the world's newest country July 9th, 2011 when it gained independence from the north. (AP Photo/Mackenzie Knowles-Coursin)
(FILES) -- Sudanese repair crew work at the Heglig oil facility, after Sudan started pumping oil again from the war-damaged oil field on May 2, 2012, 12 days after occupying South Sudanese troops left the area. Somewhere within the twisted metal of Sudan's damaged Heglig petroleum complex may lie the evidence to prove who caused the destruction during the 10-day occupation of the region by South Sudanese troops last month. AFP PHOTO / STR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/GettyImages)
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TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PETER MARTELL A Sudanese boy rounds up cattle in a camp in the southern Sudanese settlement of Pochalla in the state of Jonglei on November 11, 2009. At least 370 children have been abducted in south Sudan this year in inter-ethnic raids according to the United Nations, part of growing levels of violence in the region. AFP PHOTO/PETER MARTELL (Photo credit should read PETER MARTELL/AFP/Getty Images)
ARCHIV - Nubierinnen stehen am 08.04.2010 neben einer Straße zum Merowe Damm (Hintergrund), der mit chinesischer Aufbauhilfe im Sudan gebaut wurde. Chinas Wirtschaftsboom braucht die Rohstoffe Afrikas. Pragmatismus treibt den Handel. Für seinen Schmusekurs mit Diktatoren kassiert Peking viel Kritik. Die Kooperation mit China bietet wiederum auch Afrika neue Chancen. Foto: MIKE NELSON dpa (zu dpa KORR.: «Chinas großer Sprung nach Afrika» vom 18.08.2011) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
A derrick of the Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau (ZPEB) of Sinopec drills an oil well in Sudan, Africa, 27 October 2010. Southern Sudan vowed in October that Chinas huge investments in its oil sector would remain safe, whatever the outcome of the regions January 9 independence referendum. Pagan Amum, secretary general of the regions ruling Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM), said ties between Beijing and the south were very good, following talks with a delegation of senior leaders from Chinas ruling Communist Party.
(FILES) A Chadian soldier in no-mans-land between the border of Chad and Sudan, just outside Tine, Tuesday, 27 January 2004. Chadian rebel forces, which for days have been marching on Ndjamena, have entered the capital and are moving in the direction of the presidential palace, reports said 02 February 2008. According to reports from the al-Jazeera broadcaster, the sound of battle could be heard near the presidential palace, while Frenchmedia was reporting that around 2,000 rebel troops were in the city. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON +++(c) dpa - Report+++
KHARTOUM, SUDAN: Leader of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), Salva Kiir (L), holds hands with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir (C) and second Vice President Ali Osman Taha at a low-key ceremony in Khartoum 11 August 2005, during which Kiir was sworn in as Sudan's first vice president after the death of his predecessor John Garang. Kiir, 54, pledged to follow his legacy and work for peace and unity in the war-ravaged country. He took office less than two weeks after Garang was killed in a helicopter crash that raised fears for the future of a peace deal that ended 21 years of war between southern rebels and the government in Khartoum. EDS NOTE: Removing extraneous sentence. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, Dec. 19, 2012 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses a year-end press conference at the UN headquarters in New York on Dec. 19, 2012. Ban on Wednesday voiced his deep concerns at ''the increased militarization of the conflict and the potential for sectarian atrocities'' in Syria. (Xinhua/Shen Hong
Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (L) meets his host, the new Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, at the Palace in capital Addis Ababa September 23, 2012. Leaders from Sudan and South Sudan will meet on Sunday for the first time in a year to try to agree on border security so that South Sudan can start exporting oil again, a lifeline for both economies. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri (ETHIOPIA - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)
Smoke billows from the burning German embassy in Khartoum as a policeman stands next to a man preparing to extinguish the fire that was caused by protesters demonstrating against a low-budget film mocking Islam on September 14, 2012. Around 5,000 protesters in the Sudanese capital angry over the amateur anti-Islam film stormed the embassies of Britain and Germany, which was torched and badly damaged. AFP PHOTO / ASHRAF SHAZLY (Photo credit should read ASHRAF SHAZLY/AFP/GettyImages)
A pall of smoke rises above protesters after they set alight cars in the U.S. embassy parking lot in Tunis, Friday, Sept. 14, 2012. some thousands of demonstrators massed outside the embassy and several were seen climbing the outer wall of the embassy grounds, an Associated Press reporter on the scene said. (Foto:Amine Landoulsi/AP/dapd)