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People queue outside an unemployment registry office in Madrid, Friday, Dec. 2, 2011. Spain's Labor Ministry says the number of people filing for unemployment benefits rose by 59,536 in November with a total seeking benefits of 4,420,462. Spain's jobless rate stands at a 15-year high of 21.5 percent, the highest in the eurozone, and the economy posted zero growth in the third quarter. Party leader Mariano Rajoy is due to take office as prime minister Dec. 21. He is expected to introduce severe economic reforms in a bid to reboot the ailing economy. (Foto:Alberto Di Lolli/AP/dapd)
图像来源: AP


西班牙失业率创历史新纪录。据该国国家统计局周五(4月27日)公布的数字,今年第一季度,西班牙国内又有37.4万人失去工作,使失业者总数达到570万,失业率升至24.44%,创下1996年开始同类统计以来的最高纪录。去年年底,西班牙失业率为22.85%。为克服危机,保守派政治家拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)为首的现内阁实施严格财政紧缩政策,并承诺年内将财政赤字率从去年年底的8.5%降至5.3%,至2013年达到欧元区货币稳定公约所规定的不超过3%的标准。不过,鉴于该国财政状况恶劣,并再度进入衰退,著名国际评级机构标准—普尔日前仍宣布降低西班牙国家主权信用评级。